
Esler Cosmoprint - Majed Salih's Geogalactic Digest 2023

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Esler Cosmoprint - Majed Salih's Geogalactic Digest 2023

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Majed Salih's ESLER COSMOPRINT is a remarkable collection of code generated vectors that challenges the conventions of traditional sacred geometry. This innovative compilation draws its inspiration from the Stages of Galactic Transformation at Different Densities based on the Esler Perception Algorithm.

Within the Geogalactic Digest, each vector represents a captivating facet of the universe, derived from the Esler Civilization's enduring cosmic algorithm. These vectors continue to showcase the intricate and harmonious relationships that exist in the cosmos, pushing the boundaries of conventional mathematical and geometric norms.

Salih's work encourages us to explore the cosmos from a fresh perspective, inviting us to embrace the limitless potential of the universe. The Geogalactic Digest inspires us to think beyond the ordinary and to appreciate the boundless creativity of the universe, all while acknowledging the ongoing influence of the Esler Civilization.

As we delve into the Geogalactic Digest, we are reminded of the enduring inspiration provided by the cosmos. Majed Salih's departure from tradition serves as an ongoing invitation to expand our understanding of the universe, encouraging us to venture beyond conventional boundaries and explore the countless possibilities that persist, even in our present day.

Majed Salih created an algorithm that generates an infinity amount of Geogalactic shapes that represents a unique combination of curved lines in a cosmic algorithmic pattern. In this collection, only 640 are presented.

*/8 compressed JPG file (average quality) Original Size ( 1005 x 2071 ) cm

Shrinked size (210 x 433 ) cm (non-progressive compression)

Majed Salih has used Javascript and p5.js coding to comply the final results.

More than shapes and digests are coming soon !
Stay tuned and follow the ms37gfx project on instagram @ms37gfx

NOTE : Every individual Geogalactic form will be launched as an NFT for collecting lovers Only based on your special requests with the ENIXXXXXX number selected:

>> 0xE018E0100B2D4aa181b6fF534AA36723AbB5475f (ETH)

>> tz1g9PeXzo5UvyABcCpeiMN1FehHghkCoGBu (XTZ)

Majed Salih 2023©
All Rights Reserved

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You will get a 94MB PDF file with a high resolution (38007x78304mpx) Esler Cosmoprint Digest, or A very huge 230MB PDF File (Maximum pixels available) in ultimate quality with very sharp vectors (Can be printed on a 10 storey building).

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