
Majed Salih - Cherric (Project file & Presets)

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Majed Salih - Cherric (Project file & Presets)



Hello all!

This track has been made for the KVR One-Synth-Challenge 158

Surrealistic MG1 Plus [16.04.2022] as an inspiration for other participants.

(not as a contender)

All sounds were created using only the CherryAudio's Surrealistic MG1 Plus Vst synth. No samples are used.

All the DSPs are Absolutely Native (no 3d party vsts or effects)

You have the right to use any sound/preset in your future submissions, tracks or anything else. They are FREE.

*This track will be released on my label (MEDIEVIL-MUSIC)

Majed Salih 2022© KL


License: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0


1-Download and InstallThe CherryAudio's Surrealistic MG1 Synth before opening the project file. https://cherryaudio.com/products/surrealistic-mg-1-plus

2-For non Renoise users: please download the Renoise DAW from the official site : https://www.renoise.com

3-You can use any of my presets everywhere you want (Repacking or renaming under any circumstances is forbiddin)

4-You can Not use any of melody/percussion or bass lines/sequences "even as a phrase" from this track in your own tracks or submittions.

5-Remixes are allowed after getting the permissions via mvd6@bk.ru

Majed Salih - Surrealistic MG-1 Plus Presets are included.

I want this!

You will get a zip file with Surrealistic MG1 Plus presets by Majed Salih and a Renoise .xrns project file of the track itself.

11.5 MB
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